Sunday, September 9, 2012

CNC | What motivates me?

My belief system formed at a young age with the the help of my mother. My mother taught I could do anything I wanted to do if I put my mind to it and stopped being lazy. As life went on, I picked up bad habits such as procrastination, self-pity, negative self-talk and destructive behavior. Soon these traits seem to have integrated into my personality. Along with them came the effects on my life that were not apparent to me in my late teens and early twenties. December 12, 2010, my Stepfather, the man who raised me to be a man died suddenly. This led to me questioning my life and the choices that I have been making along the way. Seven months after the passing of my Stepfather, my then Fiance and now currently, my wife and I started assessing our lives. We were not where we expected to be in life. After much soul-searching and research, we stumbled across a program called The Secret. This program led to us starting finding the Eric Thomas Story, and eventually Life Coaching. Since we began this journey, or search for answers to our own questions, we have learned a lot.

Recently, I lost a person with whom I shared a lot of my life. My eldest sibling and partner in “crime” for many years had died. Aisha Francis died June 5, 2012 at the age of 30. In the days and weeks after her passing my wife and I had again reassessed our life and the steps that we had taken to make such great leaps and bounds to the brief success which we had experience in the span of a year. I personally had many thoughts that I had not done enough in my life and that when I die I want to die as my sister had. She lived her life each day as if it were her last. Now I strive daily to walk to the beat of this same drum.

When I am feeling low, I remember what I have set out to accomplish and knowing that the show does not stop until I am no longer breathing. This is my motivation along with words of success from other sources, such as I hope this brief look into my life will also inspire others to LIVE instead of just surviving. This is also the reason I have decided to name my business Change Now Coaching.

Fore more information on how Change Now Coaching can help your life, business, relationships, and more please email Asim Francis, Certified Life and Professional Coach:

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Role of A Life Coach

Rather than actually TELLING someone the answers, a Life Coach is the catalyst for getting a client to find the answers themselves. By asking challenging and thought provoking questions, a Life Coach can unlock the potential in a client. Coaching is forward looking and focused on the action you are willing to take to get what you want out of life. Sometimes you just can’t see the wood for the trees! You so are wrapped up in everyday life that indeed life just passes you by! Well, coaching enables you to see different alternatives and to take a step back and actually examine your life and all of it’s component parts. This in turn leads to greater self-awareness, focus, and accountability.

A Life Coach Is . . .

  • · Your own personal trainer to enable you to achieve your goals
  • · Your champion during a turnaround.
  • · Your trainer in communication and life skills.
  • · Your sounding board when making choices.
  • · Your motivation when strong actions are called for.
  • · Your unconditional support when you take a hit.
  • · Your mentor in personal development.
  • · Your co-designer when creating an extraordinary project.
  • · Your beacon during stormy times.
  • · Your wake-up call if you don't hear your own.
  • · And most importantly, the professional coach is your partner in helping you have all of what matters most to you.

Thanks due to Sean McPheat for this excellent breakdown for my readers.

Inside Out

There are many things about one’s life they may want to change. Most people want a better job, more money a loving relationship or even a better appearance. Sadly most people are not able to achieve their goals and live a life of frustration, discontentment and longing. I know I have been there. Then one day while contemplating on how I could change my external situation a voice spoke to me and said two words “look within”. As corny as it may sound this sparked something in me.  At the time I did not understand this concept but after many weeks of thinking, and praying I finally realized what the voice was telling me. The truth of the matter is it is impossible to change your external situation without first changing you internal self . By internal I mean your inner self. Your inner self can be a number of things to different people. To you it could be your thoughts or the little voice that tells you right from wrong. To others it may be a spiritual self or a soul. Everyone has their own idea of what an “inner self” is or is not. The key is to define your own inner self and to work to cultivate this being as much as possible. The way you choose to cultivate your inner self is also up to you, some may become more in touch with their inner self through religion while others may connect through yoga or meditation. Still others may find this internal self through writing and self expression. Your path is your own.
One exercise that helped me to find my “inner self” was sitting quietly and thinking of myself as a child. Once I saw my child like self I began to ask her questions like what were her hopes, her dreams and her goals. Once I was able to reconnect with this child I remembered what it was like to have the desire to do something without fearing what could go wrong or thinking about why I shouldn’t want this or do that. The child in me was my inner self. By going back to that place I was able to reconnect with who I really was and what I really want. That is what finding and cultivating one inner self is all about. Once I was able to do this , like a child I was able to let my imagination guide me and slowly I have began to see my dreams become reality. In order to change your life you must identify what you truly want. In doing this most of us find that our superficial wants and desires only mask our true desires and derail us from getting what we want and being who we really want to be. If you want to change your external you must first change you internal. Look within and you too will begin to transform your current surroundings.
Peace Be With You All

3 Change Now Life Coaching Tips to Increase YOUR Confidence!!

According to research, those who have a high level of self-confidence will always trust their skills and abilities more. When you lose your self-confidence you may begin to think that you were losing control in your life in general. Your relationships, your finances, your career, and everything else may start to go downhill. Life coaching can certainly help. By making positive changes you will notice a tangible increase your confidence levels, and a tangible improvements in your life.

So, how exactly are you to improve your own level of self-confidence? Well, there are many different things that you can do in order to achieve this goal. Let's quickly look at three prime examples.

  • It is important for you to take calculated risks. Taking calculated risks can help increase your level of self-confidence. This can certainly be difficult to do, and that is exactly where the benefits come from. When you are low on confidence the last thing you feel like doing is taking risks, but doing so is going to help you develop and grow. You need to push yourself past your limits and go beyond what you believe you can accomplish.

  • You need to challenge your mental filtering. According to research people who have low confidence may begin to engage in mental filtering. This means that they will be dwelling on all of the different negative events in their world and the negative thoughts in their head. In order to counter this you need to actively challenge this situation and therefore instead start focusing your attention on all of the positive thoughts in your head and all of the positive events in your life. When you think of a negative thoughts, quickly write down several positive things that have happened to you that day.

  • Volunteering is another good option. Putting others in front of you and being altruistic and engaging in selfless tasks is something that can actively increase your level of self-confidence. Many people struggle with their own level of self-confidence will always be intrinsic in their thoughts, thinking about themselves all the time. If you start putting other people before you, however, you will begin to challenge this and your own level of self-confidence is going to rise.

These life coaching tips should certainly help you to increase your level of self-confidence. As you do so, you may notice that all aspects of your life start taking a turn for the better. 

Monday, June 18, 2012

Change Your Life | Break The Illusion Of Limitation

The following is text quoted directly from the slides in the video.

"You were born a small bundle of infinite potential. You loved and were loved unconditionally. The concept of lack was foreign to you. As you grew you started to question the world around you. But at school you were taught to repeat information instead of to think for yourself. You were ridiculed by peers when you challenged the status quo, and so you allowed group mentality to sway your actions and decisions. You did as you were told as you feared the consequences of what would happen if you did not. Do you like being ruled by fear? You were judged and so you learned to do the same. Yet one has to recognize in ones self what he is judging in another. Be aware of what you are judging then change that part of yourself. Your opinions were formed through the use of television programming. You were presented with continuous distractions to keep you from questioning the reality around you. You were deliberately kept ignorant as we fear what we do not understand. You sought news of world events but were fed propaganda. You were given hope with promise of affecting change through voting. But that hope disintegrated when you realized that both parties were played by the same hand. You were told by religions to worship a deity outside of yourself. Never realizing that you were already part of the infinite consciousness of the universe. You joined the rat race as no other option was evident. You were trained to be a consumer with constant bombardment of corporate symbolism. Chemicals were placed in your food and drink to make you more passive. You grew unhappy with your situation but were told, "That's life, get on with it!" You were taught to disparage others because of their differences. Which made you vulnerable when those difference you identified yourself with were in turn attacked. You repeat the same cycles of negative behavior because you let circumstances dictate your mood. If only you were able to realize there is no good or bad, only perception. You let the past dictate your present and worry about the future. Even though the past and future do not exist, you only ever have the present. Living in the moment is all your can ever do. (Live each moment like it's your last!) National pride was instilled in you at the expense of distancing you from the rest of the world. You only limit that which your label and ascribe terms to. The truth can not be so easily forced into a box. Is it any wonder you feel confused and directionless? The powers that be have been working very hard to make you believe you have no power, no control. But it's all just an illusion. Once you realize how powerful you are you will never again act against your will. All you have to do is remember who your are. (Who are you?) You are the same soul that was born all those years ago. That same soul but with years of conditioning clouding your sense of self. As Bill Hicks said, "You are the imagination of yourself." So who do you want to be? It's your choice, just start believing. We all come from the same source, we are all one. You realize this as the labels you were given no longer fit. You were born free and will die free, but will you live free? The choice is yours. You are infinite potential."

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Power Moves

A little inspiration for the beginning of 2012 my fiance and I started this group after thinking about what we wanted to really do in our lives. We formulated a plan after watching a program called The Secret. I started my Life Coaching practice, Change Now Life Coaching. She delved more into her education and breaking into the Health Care field. We got really focused on making those power moves. In 40 days from the start of the year we had increased our earning potential by $5k. It is almost 6 months into the year and we have increased it by another $30k. If that doesn't show that we walk like we talk I don't know what does. I am onto my second major career jump within 6 months and don't plan on stopping now. She has now entered into the Health Care field and utilizing her skills and training with her degree in Health Care Administration. With the way we are moving in the next 12-24 months we will be over that $150K goal that we have set for ourselves.

What goals did you set for yourself when the year began? Are you following your plan that you set forth for yourself? If not, what is it that is stopping you from realizing your true potential? How can you remove those road blocks so that you may realize your full potential?

One website that I view daily is This website has been a major motivating factor this year along with the encouragement from my fiance. My sister recently died on June 5, 2012. Aisha Thema Francis was a beacon in this world and the world may be a darker place without her. She was 30 years old and her philosophy that she LIVED, was that tomorrow is not promised so I will live for today while I have today. She touched so many people in her life and enjoyed the life she lived. I am 28 years old, and God willing I will see another 28+ years. I will spend the rest of my time on this earth living. Because when the clock runs out...will you have reached your true potential with no regrets.