Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Power Moves

A little inspiration for the beginning of 2012 my fiance and I started this group after thinking about what we wanted to really do in our lives. We formulated a plan after watching a program called The Secret. I started my Life Coaching practice, Change Now Life Coaching. She delved more into her education and breaking into the Health Care field. We got really focused on making those power moves. In 40 days from the start of the year we had increased our earning potential by $5k. It is almost 6 months into the year and we have increased it by another $30k. If that doesn't show that we walk like we talk I don't know what does. I am onto my second major career jump within 6 months and don't plan on stopping now. She has now entered into the Health Care field and utilizing her skills and training with her degree in Health Care Administration. With the way we are moving in the next 12-24 months we will be over that $150K goal that we have set for ourselves.

What goals did you set for yourself when the year began? Are you following your plan that you set forth for yourself? If not, what is it that is stopping you from realizing your true potential? How can you remove those road blocks so that you may realize your full potential?

One website that I view daily is This website has been a major motivating factor this year along with the encouragement from my fiance. My sister recently died on June 5, 2012. Aisha Thema Francis was a beacon in this world and the world may be a darker place without her. She was 30 years old and her philosophy that she LIVED, was that tomorrow is not promised so I will live for today while I have today. She touched so many people in her life and enjoyed the life she lived. I am 28 years old, and God willing I will see another 28+ years. I will spend the rest of my time on this earth living. Because when the clock runs out...will you have reached your true potential with no regrets.

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